Anping Bridge, China’s Longest Ancient Bridge

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The scaffold was worked somewhere in the range of 1138 and 1151 during the Southern Song line. It comprises of 331 ranges of rock pillars laying on vessel molded stone wharfs, the biggest shaft gauging 25 tons. The extension has four square and two round stone pagodas standing evenly on each side. Worked of block, the hexagonal, five-celebrated pagoda is around twenty-two meters high and can be seen far away. 

Initially, the extension was around 150 meters longer, yet due to silting of the estuary the scaffold was made shorter. The scaffold additionally had five structures where voyagers could rest, however just a single structure presently exist. 

The estuary of the Shijing River has generally silted up here, and the rest of the waterway channel under the extension is genuinely tight. Thusly, the extension currently for the most part crosses what adds up to a succession of lakes or lakes, isolated by wetlands. A cutting edge open interstate crosses the Shijing River two or three hundred meters south of the chronicled Anping Bridge over a genuinely short scaffold. 

The extension is presently a broadly ensured notable site. The territories around the scaffold are as of now being formed into parks.anping-bridge-2
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Photo credit: Vmenkov/Wikimedia
Photo credit: Vmenkov/Wikimedia
Photo credit: Vmenkov/Wikimedia
Photo credit: Vmenkov/Wikimedia
Photo credit: Vmenkov/Wikimedia

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